How to Improve Your Business Website

As we all know websites play a vital role in marketing of a product or a business. We can easily reach out our business to public if we have good website. In earlier days we relayed on print media and direct marketing tools to reach the public. A Website reduces lots of efforts of a business man who starts a business and wants to sell his or her products. All competitions happen in the online market. Therefore one should know which one is the appropriate site for his business and how to develop them with right features. Above all it should be user friendly site.
Here I am going to determine who delivers quality designs and what one should look at when designing and developing a website. All of them may be simple minor things but sometimes we fail to give much importance to it. Let’s have a look at them and see how to improve our website design and development more appealing to our customers and to their business.

  • Appearance of website

The site should visually appeal to customers with proper image representation and appropriate colors. While using colors one should try using the colors that goes along with the logo color theme.

  • User friendly design and coding

Design should be in such a way every detail is easily accessible to customers and to be placed in order. It would be better to use more useful items like sticky bars on the right side as it’s easier for a normal user to access.

  • Header with contact information

When we use a cell number or an email id on the header it’s very useful for a user who wants to contact for a business. In today’s world people are in a hurry and they don’t want to waste time on searching on your contact information on each of the pages. The header should contain of properly structured navigation for the customers to know more on your products or your business services.

  • Social media integration

Try using social media links from our site as people are more indulged in social network sites to grab every detail, it can be of a person or about a business. So while linking your social media sites to your sites people will be able to know your regular updates and promotions through those sites too.

  • Direct link to services

It’s always better to keep an intro on your services in your website homepage and it should take to your services from homepage.

  • Avoid unnecessary step to complete the order of service/ product

Avoid lagging to complete an order. Keep it simple and faster that always make your customers stick to your site.

  • Responsive coding

One of the major things we need to take care while creating a website for yourself or for your business. Most of the users are from the mobile and so the site should be mobile friendly or it should fit to any device dimension. Otherwise people will leave your site and go to others. Our site should look like its designed and developed only for the device customer is using.

  • Unique and proper content that explains the company and its services

Unless we take care of our website content we will no longer reach out to customers, so we should keep our content short and sweet to communicate to public. This will also help our SEO promotions. If you have more content try that to use it on the detail pages of the services. It’s always good to avoid lengthier content.

  • Use latest technology

If you are using any content management system use the latest versions of your frame works because they keep our site more secure. Try using complicated user name and passwords for the logins to avoid hackers.

  • Basic SEO integration

When we do we should provide a customer with basic SEO like adding Google analytics, Meta keywords, description, title, etc. It’s also helpful for SEO using alt tags and titles for images used on site.

  • Contact Details

Apart from having contact details of business we should also have a contact form for general enquiry submissions. Locating our business on Google map and showing that on site also helpful for customer and promotion of SEO.

  • Footer with copyright and other useful links

Footer should be kept simple by using copyrights and other useful links. Apart from this may be we can include a newsletter subscription and social media integration on the footer.

  • Testimonials and Client information
    Adding testimonials and list of brands or major clients you deal with will increase the credibility of company.
  • Use of fonts on website
  • Use readable font and try using one or two font family throughout the site
  • Hover effects for the anchor tabs and links
  • This will help customers to identify the places they have links and it’s for a click. When we use hover effect for a text it should be the same effect everywhere on the site.

Every now and then design trends changes so we should be updated about the current trends and this possible only through participating in different communities that are there on online. Keep experimenting and increase your design and development skills because your survival is based on that. Your competitor should be yourself. Let every works be another portfolio of yours. We have also a team who are capable of building right and best site for your business.